The application is an upgraded version of Arrow Launcher, and belongs to the famous Microsoft brand. Microsoft Launcher is a Launcher application, so you can change the look of your phone. Change tiles from 4 rows to 6 rows for big screens. Download Microsoft Launcher to give your phone a new look Great app from the famous Microsoft.You can add special features tiles, like time, LED light, Live Gallery and Live contact.You can set the wp8 style lock screen and status bar.You can add Android widgets in the tiles.You can switch the style of the application list.You can set the current background style.You can add tiles with variety of colors.Experience all features of the launcher 8.More energy efficient and powerful functional.Just surprise your friend with the new desktop on your android phone! Also, don’t forget to share your wonderful themes designed by yourself after learning how to use this Launcher 8, maybe your theme will be loved by all of us! Launcher 8 Pro

With this fast, clean launcher 8, you can customize personalized Windows phone 8 layouts for your Android phone. Launcher 8 will make your Android phone look like a Windows phone?

Launcher 8 is an excellent app for you to experience the wp-style UI on your Android devices. Bored with Android’s user interface? Want to try a new style looks like Window phone 8?